Support Groups

SODA Support Group (Survivors Of Domestic Abuse)

*1st and 3rd Mondays, 6-7:30pm.

*Serves as a weekly meeting where women who have been affected by domestic violence and/or sexual assault may come.

*It covers a variety of issues that are affected when someone has been through trauma. Examples of topics are setting boundaries, trust issues, unhealthy relationships that may lead to domestic violence, loving yourself, guilt, etc. It focuses on healing, and sometimes they do hands on activities, like crafts!

SOSA Support Group (Survivors Of Sexual Assault group)

*Thursdays, 6pm.

*Serves as a weekly meeting where anyone who has been sexually assaulted assaulted may come and receive support.

“Having a safe, confidential space to receive emotional support, coping skills and telling your story is empowering, and provides healing, hope, and just knowing you are not alone.  Our sessions provide education information on the dynamics of domestic violence and on developing healthy relationships.  It’s a place where women can confidentially share, listen, and experience healing without being judged”.  – North Star Victim Advocate